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Quantum Chemistry
Detailed Learning Objectives
1. GitHub
Practice: GitHub (Classroom)
Practice: Schrodinger Cat Colab
2. Basics of Jupyter, Python, and Programming
Practice: Python, Jupyter, Numpy
Practice: Wavefunction Normalization
Extra practice: Computing Student Marks (< 2022)
Extra training: Jupyter/Python/GitHub exercises
3. From Newton to Schrödinger
Intro to QM video
Intro to QM slides+notes
Quiz: Demo w/ GH Classroom
Quiz: QM Intro
4. The Schrödinger Equation
Quiz: The Schrodinger Eq.
5. The Particle in a Box
Example notebook for Moments
Practice: Moments of the P-in-Box
Practice: The Sudden Approximation
Quiz: 1D P-in-Box
6. Particles confined in two and three dimensions
Practice: Effective Low-Dimensional Systems
Practice: The Sudden Approximation in 2-D
Practice: Interacting particles in a box
Quiz: MultiD P-in-Box
7. The Postulates of Quantum Mechanics
Quiz: Applying the Postulates
8. 1-electron atoms
Practice: hydrogenic atoms
9. Approximate Methods
Practice: Tilted P-in-Box
Practice: Gaussian Well(s)
10. Many-electron systems: Structure and Spectroscopy
2-electron atoms
Many-electron atoms
The Born-Oppenheimer Approximation
Practice: Selection Rules
11. Diatomic Molecules' Nuclear Schrodinger Equation
Additional resources
Reference Materials
(Extra) Practice Problems
Example of buggy code
FixMe. Midterm 2
Knowledge Test 1
Knowledge Test 2
Knowledge Test 3
🔁 What are the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues for the following Hamiltonians.
Midterm Questions
Contributing and Using
Code of Conduct
How to Contribute
Open issue